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Kokkelstraat 13

3680 Reed


32 (0)477 21 44 69


Clean Water Global

A sustainable solution for purifying paint rinse water


As a painter, what do you do with the rinse water?

Do you pour your rinse water down the drain?

However, the guidelines are clear and straightforward:

"Take the paint rinse water to a collection point for hazardous waste"

'Never let rinse water come into contact with surface water.'

Take your paint rinse water to a CWG collection point and stop pollution from paint rinse water!

Clean Water Global offers an environmentally conscious solution that benefits you as a painter

How does the Clean Water Global model work?

Calculate +2% recycling contribution for CWG on the quotation

More and more consumers and customers want environmentally conscious, sustainable products and services. Calculate a 2% contribution to Clean Water Global on your quote.

Store your paint rinse water in the empty paint bucket

Do not throw away the paint rinse water, but keep it in the empty paint bucket.

Take your paint rinse water to a CWG collection point

Clean Water Global works with painting companies, paint shops and paint wholesalers who collect the contaminated paint wash water.

€7 for 10 L of paint rinse water

The CWG collection point charges € 7 per 10 L of paint rinse water.

Clean Water Global collects the container with paint rinse water at the collection point


To keep the ecological footprint as small as possible, Clean Water Global is always looking for the most environmentally friendly solution to collect the paint rinse water.


Clean Water Global purifies the paint rinse water via a rinse and filter system, specially adapted for the paint industry. It is a cradle-to-cradle system in which the solid matter is separated from the paint rinse water. The recovered solid raw material is reused and the water is further purified by biological filtration systems.


Clean Water Global has an environmental permit and environmental certificate. This guarantees to customers that Clean Water Global meets strict environmental criteria.

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